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FYR represents the metaphorical hearth of downtown Columbus with the centerpiece of the kitchen being a wood-fired grill led by renowned chef, Sebastian La Rocca. Located adjacent to Hilton Columbus Downtown, the use of fire & smoke is incorporated into every dish to bring the historical ritual of cooking over an open flame tableside. 

Since the dawn of time, humanity has gathered around fire to cook, share stories and be together. It’s that magical warmth and glow of the hearth’s smoky embers that draw us together to celebrate. FYR is the source of brightness and warmth. FYR is a stronghold of culinary passion - a gathering place that honors the emotional, mental and spiritual nature of flame and food.

A place that as the fires and temperature rise, the atmosphere changes – a turn from what is expected. We discover an inspiration to rekindle our primal inner flame and let ourselves be taken on a journey of the senses. Fire touches everything here, forging a bond between incredible flavors and the local ingredients used to create them. FYR reignites our connection to the most primitive use of flame – enjoying togetherness around the hearth.

Filet Mignon
Fresh vegetables in a basket

At FYR, sustainability and local partnerships with farmers & artisans is a focus.  The wood for our live fire grill is procured from Artic Hardwood in Kingston, Ohio.  Our beef is sourced from a fourth generation farm, RL Valley in Guysville, Ohio which also uses spent grain from a local brewery to support sustainability. Much of our other produce is from Hershberger Amish Farms in Millersburg, Ohio who allows us to handpick the highest quality ingredients.  At FYR, supporting local farms is at the heart of bringing the best possible ingredients tableside.

FYR offers general dining as well as a private dining room that seats 14. For reservations and inquiries, please email

404 North High Street

Columbus, OH 43215

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